Voting in an Election

How to Register to vote

In order to be able to vote in an election you need to be registered to vote. Clink the link to find out how to do this and register.

With the Corona virus Pandemic you may not wish to attend a polling station but a postal vote is an easy and secure alternative

How to vote by post in an election

On Thursday 6 May 2021 elections will be taking place in North Norfolk with electors voting in the Norfolk County Council elections and the Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner Election. There are also several Parish Council by-elections also scheduled to be held on this day. NNDC are the authority responsible for arranging the elections and this includes your opportunity to vote by post.

Given the ongoing situation with the Covid-19 pandemic NNDC want to give electors as much time as possible to change their voting arrangements if voting in a Polling Station during the pandemic is not desired.

If you wish to vote by post please click the link at the bottom of this text for an application form. Alternatively you can contact NNDC by email at or by phone on 01263 516046 and they will send you a form.

Please note that any application for a postal vote must be completed by hand using ‘wet ink’ and NNDC are unable to accept any digitally signed applications.

Completed applications can either be returned by email to or posted to Electoral Services, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN

In order to apply for a postal vote you must be a registered elector within North Norfolk. If you need to register the easiest way to do so is online at but again alternatively you can contact us by phone on 01263 516046 to do so.

Given the anticipated high volume of applications for postal votes we advise you to make your applications as soon as possible.

Download the Postal Vote application