Lib Dem NNDC Cllr Team District Report for June


The Reef Leisure Centre has been shortlisted for an RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2023 in Excellence in Planning for Health and Wellbeing and also Best Project

A building with a sign on the side

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A new Cabinet has been formed at NNDC. This includes Cllr Withington as Portfolio Holder for Community, Leisure and Outreach

Local Plan submitted

Notice has been given, in accordance with regulation 22(3) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, that North Norfolk District Council submitted the Proposed Submission Version North Norfolk Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities on 11 May 2023 for independent examination.

Availability of Documents The submission documents are available for public inspection via the Council’s examination website at

The submission documents are available to view by prior arrangement using the contact details below, during normal office opening hours, at:

·         North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer NR27 9EN

·         North Norfolk District Council, Fakenham Connect, Oak Street, Fakenham NR21 9DY

Any specific accessibility requests may be sent to us at, by telephone 01263 516318, or in writing to Planning Policy Team, NNDC, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk NR27 9EN.

Programme Officer
The Council has appointed Annette Feeney as Programme Officer to organise and administer the examination under the guidance of the appointed Inspector. Examinations of Local Plans usually involve a number of public hearing sessions. We anticipate that the hearings could likely commence in September/October 2023.

The Planning Inspectorate has published a procedural guide which explains the Local Plan examination process: 

Further information will be published on our website as it becomes available.

3 Beaches achieve Blue Flag Status and 3 Seaside Award Status

The three beaches along our coastline that have retained their Blue Flag status are Cromer, Sheringham and West Runton.

This year, due to the changing water quality along the North Norfolk coastline, East Runton, Sea Palling and Mundesley have dropped their previous Blue Flag status and have, for 2023, achieved Seaside Award status. Find out more below

Green Flag Status

There  were successful events held at both Holt Country Park and Pretty Corner over the Half Term Holiday. The Green Flag accreditation inspections have also taken place recently. Unlike the Blue Flag where it is the set of criteria alone which have to be met in the Green Flag Scheme tha standard criteria have to be met but in addition the space must show signs of improvement to both amenity and biodiversity. The Countryside Team who manage NNDC Open Spaces are hopeful they will reach the required standard again. At Pretty Corner the volunteer and conservation group Muddy Boots is doing well and has growing numbers. New routes have also been established including a new route which connects up Old Wood and Sheringham Wood (STC managed by the Woodland Trust ), which is significantly longer and provides a more challenging route for those who wish it. New signage is currently being put out for this and also the hard copy which will be available online and in the car parks.

Council Launches Wonky Wheels Project for Ukrainian Families

North Norfolk District Council, in partnership with Active Norfolk and Wonky Wheels, is launching a project to provide Ukrainians residing in North Norfolk with bicycles to use.

This project is funded through the Sport England Together Fund and is part of the Council’s joint locality work with Active Norfolk.

Aparthotel – Development Committee

The town council did not attend and express a view on this matter. Representations were made by Cllr Withington on behalf of the District Cllr team at the Development Committee. Concerns were expressed about the type of model proposed rather than a Hotel, loss of scarce employment land for a business creating only 3 part time jobs, poor design out of character with the area and failure to address the potential for greater biodiversity and a greening of the landscape. Following discussions with planners it was proposed to amend the 90 day stay limit in any one year to 31 days. The scheme was passed with a heavy heart by many and there was one objection and Cllr Withington abstained due to it possibly being perceived she was predetermined. It now remains to be seen if the applicant will trigger the sale or may choose not to develop at this point in time. If they fail to trigger the sale within the timescale further discussions can be had with NNDC about land use. It must not be forgotten however this land is being sold/developed in order to create the 1 million revenue required as part of the Reef project. Hence this land is known as the Enabling Land.

The Reef Solar Car Port

The first stage of the Solar Car Port has been completed on time and to schedule. The second stage is due to start on the 19th of June and will involve the construction of the steel frame and installation of the solar panels themselves.

The Shannocks

The CPO process is underway. The current owners have failed to meet the next deadline in the process. Counsel’s advice has been sought and the process is continuing as per the required legal time frames. – No further update

Public Toilets The Leas - Visit Sheringham

Marble Arch Toilets

Although slightly delayed this project is continuing well .

Sheringham Play Parks

Cooper Road  

The Quality of Life Strategy has been completed and the Play Park Strategy as part of this is being further developed. As a result of this there will be funding available for future maintenance of parks and equipment where improvements are made through community partnerships. This was not the case previously nor was their a capital budget for the replacement and improvement of NNDC activity spaces. Under the current administration this has now changed.

2 of the three companies who visited the site have presented first drafts and are currently making some adaptations as a result of initial discussions on the drafts. We are awaiting the third company to complete their plans Another company offering a green solution has also come forward and will be looking to offer a plan as well. Once all the initial plans are completed we will bring forward a series of community engagement events to support agreeing a final proposal . Funding will then be sought for this proposal. Local match funding will of course be welcome.  It is hoped we can complete the community engagement by the end of the summer holiday or early in the Autumn term.

The Leas

A group of people smiling at the camera

Description automatically generated with low confidenceFor the same reasons stated above this project is now moving ahead and a company which specialises in the use of composite materials is involved in producing plans for this park. The use of composite materials is for two main reasons. In this location equipment made of more traditional materials do not last due to the hostile and salty climate on the seafront. By using these materials as well it is a means to reduce the carbon footprint of the playpark and support the councils move to net zero by 2030. We are currently awaiting the plans which are expected by early July. Discussions re funding will then commence. Any local partners who wish to contribute funding will be welcome to do so and any local CT2 or 106 money designated  for playparks can of course be recommended to NNDC to be considered for allocation to this project. 

Leas and War Memorial Garden

There has been a problem on the LEAS with SERCO fulfilling their contract in regard to the garden maintenance here and at the War Memorial. A senior management member has been involved and a supervisor visited with a NNDC Officer to determine and agree the extent of the works required. This work is currently underway with a team of a minimum of four people and it is anticipated it will be finished by the weekend 17th June (After this has gone to print)

The Seafront

East Beach

The gaps between the concrete slabs have deteriorated again and as part of the annual trip hazard survey work now completed by the Coastal team will be addressed by the Small Works Maintenance team. This is due to be completed shortly.

The No dogs on the Beach signs have been replaced at the entrances to the beach. The foreshore Officer Steve Banks will monitor these and has spares available in his base and will replace as required.

Local Parking

Vincent Road

This is a longstanding issue which has previously been reported to STC. Cllr Withington on receiving complaints about this area in 2022 liaised with a survey of residents and liaised with Highways and NNDC Environmental Services, Residents and Highways and Cllr Withington met on site and discussed the issues. H bars were not considered as appropriate given the number that would be required and the advisory nature of this road marking. Highways proposed double yellow lines and the project was agreed under the Road Safety Funding scheme. The timescale for completion will depend on the level of objections which may be received as part of the Highways RTO consultation. District Cllrs will continue to monitor the progress of this scheme.

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Sheringham North Norfolk District Councillor Team Parking Surveys and Proposals – A voice for the community

Sheringham Town Council are currently considering their view on the proposals and evidence contained in these reports.

You can view this report in detail at

 Cllr Liz Withington

Parking in Sheringham Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generatedAs we continue to be busy and the season will bring more visitors  in Sheringham the search for parking spaces will continue to be difficult. Why not consider a seasonal parking ticket for NNDC Car Parks

Get a season ticket here

Sheringham Market


Before this was raised at the Town Meeting, discussions were already taking place with Market traders and NNDC Officers, who are the legal operators of this market and on whose land it operates.

The Council has already changed the management structure of the market and a new manager has been appointed and is now in place. Training has also been agreed for the new officers in place in Market Management. This is to support NNDC and traders to be able to ensure the efficient running and the continuity of this vital market. Processes in the market operation are already under review

The Council have welcomed the suggestions brought forward by traders and a plan was and will continue to be under discussion to build up both the Wednesday and Saturday markets.

Discussions have already yielded ideas for additional markets alongside specialist markets and ways to attract footfall and new market stalls. All of which will be discussed with and contain suggestions received by traders. Officers had already agreed with traders to put in place an action plan which incorporated the traders ideas. This is currently being progressed and includes attracting new traders and specialist markets to enhance the current offering.  It is anticipated that Action Plan will be completed shortly and shared with Traders.  

 Process will have to be agreed as to how new structures and processes can develop within market regulations and also event licencing and legal timeframes.

Contrary to views expressed at the Annual town Meeting the future of the market was never in doubt. in fact as you can see those stakeholders with direct involvement have been part of those discussions and officers have already begun to put in place the structures to support the future development of this popular market. NNDC are committed to the future of their Markets.

Cllr Phil Bailey has also met with traders and has represented Experience Sheringham ‘s view that the market plays an important role in our local economy. A fact, I’m sure we all agree on and was never in any doubt.

Health and Wellbeing

 Healthier Sheringham

Healthier Sheringham (HS)are running network events for the Creative Arts and Outdoor pursuit groups. This is as a result of the Community networking event held in February – Sheringham Helps. It was identified as the priority area to develop first by the 60+ organisations who were there. The first event takes place on the 29th of July at Sheringham Golf Club.

The NNDC Community Connectors continue to work closely with HS.

Healthier Sheringham are also now working with Merchants Place and the North Norfolk Volunteer Hub. We are looking to promote with community groups and organisations this service and support groups in defining the role they wish to advertise. In addition, Healthier Sheringham is running a Volunteer Conference which is being supported by CAN and other local organisations to explore how to attract, retain, train and support volunteers. This again is kindly being hosted by the Golf Club in September. Healthier Sheringham will be then supporting groups with a Volunteer Fair and Sheringham Helps will take place in February again.

Healthier Sheringham are continuing to work with Healthier North Walsham (HNW) and Cllr Withington is now working with the Community Connectors to support the establishment of the Healthier North Norfolk Model in Stalham both HS and HNW are also working with the NHS Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Working parties to explore how they can support these models to grow and be sustainable.

Community groups are welcome to attend Healthier Sheringham and can contact the organisation by email

Sheringham District Cllr Team – Casework  

Ongoing Casework

Highways and parkingHousingEnvironment and Environmental Health IssuesNNDC Assets and planning
June 2023
Augusta Street – White H bars have been extended around the corner of the junction as not correctly installed initially ResolvedNo fault eviction x1 Disabled Housing need support been given, liaising local charities and Housing Team and social prescribing team  Dustbin location issues Waste collection Sheringham Sports association Resident concerns re standards of building maintenance – resolvedSolar Panels in a conservation area- planning advice Resolved
Victoria Street – H bars being proposed and request to Highways Awaiting follow up response Leas and War memorial SERCO failure to maintain – see extended report June Report Resolution underway Ladybird Park – The latch is broken on the gate to the Under 5s area. This has been reported as high priority and will be attended to as a matter of urgency. No dogs signage on the Guide hut side of the park has been removed. Signs have been ordered and will be replace on site asap. A social media post has gone out reminding people dogs are not allowed on this park and that there is a Public Spaces order enforcing that .Overgrown and Dangerous trees on the boundaries of Sheringham House. Meetings with residents and Landscape Officers- and planners  response due shortly. Meeting with planners linked to this issue and landscape management plan as condition in planning expressing residents’ concerns.  Further meeting with Majors Planning team due to take place.
Pre June 2023
 Empty Home Report – LeasBeech Avenue Trees and garden waste- problematic Pursuing fly tipping concerns and a house with 0vergrown vegetation and dumped garden waste- rat infestation Enforcement are now involved as this is private land within the deeds of a residence 
Seaview Access issues and refuse siting conflict– near conclusionOvercrowdingRat infestation on Golf Course Awaiting response from SGC as to progress on thisSeafront Trip Hazard in gaps on East Beach  Replacement dog signage in place
Cooper road Junction Flooding Holway road – monitoring Recent heavy downfall was less damaging than previously following the Holway Road flood worksLeas Pond Overflowing – resolved
Vincent Road – parking and access issues for residents, emergency vehicles and refuse vehicles – see main June report  Mould – private rental Rehousing taken placeGuide Hut Funding for energy efficiencies improvements – Application submittedCycle Parking – seafront
Morris street Weeds and drain blocked- as below Highways have stated works to be completed in 6 weeks (early July Butts Lane Overgrown tree. Inspection by landowner complete awaiting outcome 
Morris Street /Victoria Street Loke being resurfaced currently but issues still persist- ongoing awaiting Highways response  War Memorial Garden revamp – ongoing 
Liaising with Highways to repair uncovered drain Holway Road Looking into allotment availability for resident 
  Investigating issues around street lighting – resolved 

Local Cllr Attendance/Training/Briefings – not previously mentioned 

Licensing Training, Media Training, Parish and Town Council Engagement,

Development committee Planning Training, Planning Policy Training, Chairing Skills Training North Norfolk Dementia Working Party (ICB NHS), Licensing Sub Committee, Standard and Code of Conduct Training, Questioning Skills Overview and Scrutiny training, Local government Finance Essentials – training Audit Committee training, Member Briefing – Performance Management, Information Governance training, Personal Safety Training

Little Theatre Project meeting

Healthier Sheringham Steering Group meeting

STC Annual Parish Meeting ,  

Royal British Legion Meeting and presentation

How to access support for Sheringham Residents 

Helping Residents to find help and support As STC staff and councillors, community organisations and residents reading the District Cllr report this information will help you to direct members of our community to the right support and contacts.

With the rising cost of living proving very difficult for people in North Norfolk, North Norfolk District Council have been looking to find ways to support our residents.

IT Housing and Benefits have put all the information together about accessing funding and support in one place. NNDC Help Hub as well is available to all as well.

If you are part of a community group and act as signposting or support those in need. Please share this information with your organisation, clients or community. As District Cllrs we will always refer people through who are in need and do so regularly.

Follow the link below for information ℹ️

Change of circumstances online form:…/advice-and-support/

The Help Hub is also an important and useful point to connect with for further support via the social prescribers if you are supporting residents or local organisations. Residents can also self-refer 

The North Norfolk Help Hub is a partnership of organisations that work together to offer practical support, advice, and guidance.

At times, we all need a little help and support dealing with issues or problems in our life that are hurting our physical, mental, social or financial wellbeing. Getting help as soon as possible can prevent things from getting worse.

The Health and Communities Team are part of the North Norfolk Help Hub. They can provide advice and support with:

  • abuse and exploitation, including domestic abuse.
  • benefits
  • carer support
  • employment
  • financial advice
  • home adaptations and assistive technology
  • housing conditions
  • learning
  • local opportunities for leisure interests
  • long term health condition management
  • mental wellbeing
  • social isolation
  • substance misuse
  • wellbeing

Early Intervention Team

North Norfolk District Council’s Early Intervention Team are working to help residents across the District who are threatened with homelessness.

It is never too early to get help and the Early Intervention Team provides support for individuals and families across North Norfolk with housing-related issues and will work to address the problem.

The team try to do this at an early stage before the individual or family become homeless and ideally before a significant risk of homelessness arises. They are part of the Council’s Housing Options team and work closely with other services to identify those in need and provide support and advice.

If you or someone you know are having problems which make it difficult at home, such as:

  • Rent arrears or other debt worries
  • Arguments at home or relationship breakdowns
  • Changes to your household
  • Changes to your health

The Early Intervention Team can help

If you or someone you may know is threatened with homelessness, the Early Intervention Team can help and assist you by:

  • Talking through some options, you may have to help yourself.
  • Try to help keep you in your current home where possible.
  • Work with you to secure alternative accommodation.

Where possible, the Council aims to make sure residents remain in their current homes by helping at an early stage, the Early Intervention Team will seek to understand your current situation and help to resolve your situation.

The most important thing you can do is contact the Early Intervention Team on 01263 513811 or email as soon as possible.

How to get support

If you are aged 18 and over and need help or support, please contact the Health and Communities Team Duty Line.


01263 516353




Further information regarding financial hardship, community support and access to mental health support, domestic abuse and violence support, is available on Cllr Withington’s new website and blog. Click here to view    

Early Help Hub

Financial Support

The Early Help Hub has also produced a comprehensive list of financial support available for community support organisations to direct people to. This has been shared in the community via organisations such as Healthier Sheringham to their partners and those working on projects with NNDC and the ICB

Please contact us if you are aware of people who need financial support as a result of the Cost of living Crisis

General help is available here

The Household support fund application form is also live on the website

Cllr Liz withington can also issue food parcel vouchers through the North Norfolk foodbank (previously known as the Cromer Foodbank. This change is to reflect that the foodbank serves across the North Norfolk district. )  She is also able to support through the Salvation Army foodbank and Community Food Club  as well.

Energy Vouchers are also available for those in need and in fuel poverty.

We can also  support with referrals to the Norfolk Assistance Scheme and Norfolk Household Fund

Anglia Water also have an Extra Care Support system to help with difficulties with paying bills and for those worried about the finances you can contact them online in the link below or telephone 08001693630

Link to Anglian Water Extra Care Support  

Warm Homes grant available after successful bid

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North Norfolk District Council, as part of the Norfolk Warm Homes Consortium, has been successful in a bid for £3.85 million of government grant to provide energy efficiency improvement works to homes occupied by low-income households within Norfolk. 

The grant is aimed at supporting low income residents to reduce their energy bills and increase the thermal comfort of their homes through a subsidy towards increasing the energy efficiency of their property. NNDC have appointed Energy Officer Dulcie Walsh to help ensure those eligible for the scheme are able to access these important funds to reduce living costs. The Energy Officer will identify suitable properties and support owner-occupiers and landlords with applications for improvement works. Our aim is to ensure we maximize take-up for North Norfolk residents.

For homeowners, if your gross household income is £30,000 or less the grant will cover the cost of the works.

For landlords, you could get a two-thirds subsidy for works to improve the energy efficiency of your property (if your tenants are on gross household incomes of £30,000 or less)

This grant is aimed at residents who have properties with a low energy rating (EPC band E, F or G)

The grant will go towards the cost of works to better insulate your home, which can include loft cavity wall and external wall insulation if your property is suitable.

Also available under the scheme, properties can benefit from low carbon energy by replacing an inefficient heating system with a renewable air source heat pump.

For more information click here  

Support for our local businesses:

The full list of guidance for local businesses can be found on North Norfolk District Council’s Support and Advice for Businesses webpage.

  Further advice is also available Click here

Check my collection datesOther useful Contact numbers and links :

  1. Emergency highways number -out of hours 03448008009 for fallen trees blocking roads etc
  2. Report a problem with potholes, pavements, hedges, salt bins, trees to Norfolk County Council
  3. Planned Roadworks in Norfolk
  4. SERCO – missed bins/public toilets/ – 03301099220
  5. Report Fly tipping

6.    Order a new bin Contact Customer Services at Serco

Telephone: 0330 109 9220

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm


7.    Assisted bin delivery due to age or disability Contact Business Waste & Recycling

Telephone:  01263 516189


A picture containing mammal, big cat, aquatic mammal, staring

Description automatically generatedIf you find  a seal in distress and in need of emergency assistance you can contact any of the following agencies.

British Divers Marine Life Rescue: 01825 765546                 RSPCA: 0300 1234 999

Friends of Horsey Seals: 07706 314514

Get in touch with NNDC

Use our online form to give NNDC feedback, or ask a question about any of our services.

Contact us

Live web chat

Chat with one of our Customer Services Advisors by clicking the green web chat link at the bottom right of the screen. This will appear when advisors are available.

Call us 

Telephone:  01263 513811
Out of hours:  01223 849782

Telephone and office opening hours

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm
Wednesday from 10am to 5pm
Fridays from 8.30am to 4.30pm

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us your District Cllr Team  in Sheringham  for further information on this report or if we can help with any issues.

 Cllr Phil Bailey  

Correspondence address:  

North Norfolk District Council

Holt Road



NR27 9EN


Profile image for Cllr Liz Withington Profile image for Cllr Colin Heinink

Cllr Liz Withington on Fb

@withington_liz on twitter

Lizwithington1 on Instagram

To keep up to date with the latest NNDC news and North Norfolk activity follow North Norfolk District Council on FB or click on on FB or click on the link below to go directly to the website 

North Norfolk District Council  

Twitter @northnorfolkdc

Sperm whale removed from the East Beach

NNDC contractors remove the 12 tonne young sperm whale from the East Beach

Thank you to the North Norfolk District Council team from Environmental Waste Services for removing the young sperm whale from the East Beach. The prom has been cleaned and is now accessible. It was a difficult and sad job to complete I’m sure. Let’s hope we don’t have any more. Thanks to Robert Walkley for his photographs taken at distance and conforming to Covid guidelines. They give an indication of the scale of the whale and consequential disposal issues. I understand it was in excess of 12tonnes.