After I instigated a campaign against domestic abuse and violence in Sheringham in 2017, Sheringham Town Council has signed the White Ribbon Campaign Pledge and has also committed to never commit, excuse or remain silent about domestic violence and abuse. The pledge that I and the Town Council have signed is:
Our message is that we should all practice tolerance, respect and kindness, and stand up against domestic violence and abuse, bullying and sexism in all forms.
In order to provide support to those living with domestic violence and abuse I proposed and Sheringham Town Council agreed to provide refuge and victim support information boards in the window of the Community Centre. In addition we hope this information page will also enable both men and women experiencing violence, coercion or emotional abuse to find the help, support and the courage to walk away.
What is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse means any threats, violence, controlling or coercive behaviour that takes place between family members or people aged over 16 who are in a relationship with each other (or have been in the past).
Family members are defined as mother, father, sister, brother and grandparents; whether directly related, in-laws or step family.
Domestic abuse can happen regardless of social group, class, age, race, disability or sexuality of the individuals involved.
Domestic abuse can affect men, women and those who identify as non-binary. It can occur in any relationship – heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual; young or old
It is a pattern of behaviour used by abusers designed to establish and maintain power and control over another person.
Phone 999 and ask for the Police if you are or believe someone to be in immediate danger
Help After Abuse – Norfolk County Council