Sheringham Liberal Democrat Team District Cllr Report – February 2023

Welcome to the Sheringham District Councillors Team report for February    2023              

  Cllrs Bevan-Jones, Heinink and Withington

NNDC are supporting the community in challenging times

NNDC Offices Cromer

Housing Crisis in North Norfolk

Currently NNDC as the local housing authority has 2,764 households on the Housing register with 19% of these being on the priority list the Housing Register. As of the 31st January there are 205 open cases for households who are homeless or will be made homeless in the next 56 days. The greatest need is for 1 and 2 bedroom properties with 1575 and 680 households respectively on these lists.

244 houses have been let as social housing in the last quarter.  

As of the 31st January there are 75 households in temporary accommodation. 22% of families living in temporary accommodation have been there for more than 6 months. NNDC have now purchased 18 temporary Accommodation units for North Norfolk residents to alleviate this problem but it continues to be a significant issue

A number of factors (including the cost of living crisis, rising mortgage interest rates, no fault evictions in the private rented sector, a reduction in new affordable homes being built due to nutrient neutrality ) mean NNDC anticipate a sustained or potential increased need for Temporary Accommodation for the foreseeable future. To help meet this demand we will be piloting a Private Sector Leasing Scheme which will involve the council leasing a property in exchange for a guaranteed income to the owner.

Rough Sleepers – NNDC are currently dealing with 3 entrenched rough sleepers. SWEP was introduced form 04th December until the 04th January and 14th January to the 24th. 11 people were supported into emergency accommodation.

Early Intervention Team

North Norfolk District Council’s Early Intervention Team are working to help residents across the District who are threatened with homelessness.

It is never too early to get help and the Early Intervention Team provides support for individuals and families across North Norfolk with housing-related issues and will work to address the problem.

The team try to do this at an early stage before the individual or family become homeless and ideally before a significant risk of homelessness arises. They are part of the Council’s Housing Options team and work closely with other services to identify those in need and provide support and advice.

If you or someone you know are having problems which make it difficult at home, such as:

  • Rent arrears or other debt worries
  • Arguments at home or relationship breakdowns
  • Changes to your household
  • Changes to your health

The Early Intervention Team can help

If you or someone you may know is threatened with homelessness, the Early Intervention Team can help and assist you by:

  • Talking through some options, you may have to help yourself
  • Try to help keep you in your current home where possible
  • Work with you to secure alternative accommodation

Where possible, the Council aims to make sure residents remain in their current homes by helping at an early stage, the Early Intervention Team will seek to understand your current situation and help to resolve your situation.

The most important thing you can do is contact the Early Intervention Team on 01263 513811 or email as soon as possible.

The NNDC Housing Strategy was also agreed in 2021 to help address this housing crisis. This was developed through the Housing Enabling Team working in collaboration with Registered Providers (housing Associations) Letting agents, Charities, Parish and town Councils, planners. It focuses on developing the best ways to bring affordable rental properties to North Norfolk for all ages,disabilities and types of household groups.

As a Council we know the government schemes for shared ownership and the new First homes initiative bring only shared ownership homes which are beyond the means of those in our area. North Norfolk residents are often on low incomes and have seasonal employment, hence the importance we place on building the districts stock of affordable rental homes.

Also within the housing strategy have been established ways to support those facing no fault evictions which is becoming increasingly common with landlords taking advantage of high house process and also high yields from holiday lets. The Council have established rent guarantees and advance deposits and advance payment of rent for 6months to a year to help those faced with Section 21 notices. Please get in touch at the earliest point to seek help form the housing intervention team.

Linked to this NNDC also voted to increase Council Tax on Second Homes by 100% when it becomes agreed in Law. This will bring 8 million pounds in as revenue. If ring fenced for Social housing this could be used to purchase land for exceptions sites. These would be provided by housing providers as social housing and the developments would become financially viable with the purchase of the land. This is not about demonising second home owners but ensuring the impact from high numbers of second homes can be mitigated for local people.

Sadly the Government have recently delayed bringing in this legislation now until at least 2024. In addition the New Homes Bonus grant that has supported projects with match funding from NNDC to purchase land and homes for social renting has also been cut. Despite the 3% income guarantee from the precept the result is a net loss of £800,000 to Council budgets. The Council Tax Levy would have therefore played an important role in enabling NNDC to  further address the Housing Crisis.

Early Help Hub

Financial Support

The Early Help Hub has also produced a comprehensive list of financial support available for community support organisations to direct people to. This has been shared in the community via organisations such as Healthier Sheringham to their partners and those working on projects with NNDC and the ICB

Please contact us if you are aware of people who need financial support as a result of the Cost of living Crisis

General help is available here

The Household Support Fund

NNDC has been awarded £88k under round 3. NNDC have used the funding to target support to 210 disabled households and 342 low income households who did not receive the DWP COL payments. Each household received a £100 Post office Voucher which they can cash at any Post Office. 91% of vouchers have been cashed. Where they are not cashed NNDC are working with households to support further.

The Household support fund application form is also live on the website

Challenging times with Climate Change

Graphic showing a tall tree is a graph, with the top of the tree reaching to 109,000 trees plantedTREES: Our 110,000 Trees project has hit another major milestone!

We have now planted 109,000 trees, planting with local community groups, volunteers and charities ?

Find out more about the trees project:

Kerbside Battery Collection

North Norfolk District Council, Breckland, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Council are delighted to be launching a new free weekly kerbside collection service to residents in partnership with Serco.Image of a bin with batteries on topFrom 30 January residents will be able to recycle used household batteries. The collections will be weekly, so residents just need to place their used household batteries in a freezer bag, or similar sized clear bag, on top of either their black or green bin on their usual collection day for them to be recycled. It is important that the batteries are placed on top of the bins because if they are not separated, they will go into the body of the vehicle where they risk being crushed which can cause vehicle fires and fires at the processing facility.

Batteries are made from many different materials including lithium-ion (used in laptop batteries), zinc (used in AA batteries) and nickel cadmium (used in power tool batteries); all are recycled into their component parts. The recovered materials can be used to manufacture new batteries and electronics; they can also be used in the steel industry and even in paint production.

Cllr Nigel Lloyd, portfolio holder for Environmental Services, Climate Change and Environment said: 

“I am delighted that North Norfolk District Council, working in partnership with Serco, will be offering this new kerbside small battery collection service to North Norfolk residents. As a society we have become more and more reliant on battery powered devices. However, spent batteries can pose a significant risk to the environment when not disposed of responsibly and can be dangerous if they enter our standard waste processing facilities.

“I hope residents will take advantage of this new service. Our desire is to make it easier for residents to protect their environment with the added benefit of recycling the increasingly scarce metals found within batteries.”

Sheringham Little Theatre Renovations

Following a survey in 2022 the poor energy efficiency of the Little Theatre and the poor  standard of some internal structures was identified. This was as part of an Asset survey for the District Council of all their assets. This had never been completed before by the previous administration.  With the recent energy crisis the Theatre had experienced a 7 fold increase in its energy bills which made this important energy efficiency work of even more importance. The photo below shows the construction of the internal porch and addition of new ceiling and insulation.

As part of the 4-week programme, the building has undergone measures to improve the energy efficiency and internal structures,

The ground floor has gone through  a full refurbishment to replace the flooring, ceiling tiles and install new kitchen facilities in The Hub café.

An internal porch area has been constructed to reduce heat loss and insulation improved  along with the windows. Internal and external lighting throughout the building has also been replaced with energy efficient lighting.

The environmental impact was a consideration with the planning of the renovation works – all existing furniture within the Sheringham Little Theatre has been re-used, upcycled and improved as opposed to replacing them.

Materials to make the improvements in the building are also environmentally friendly, opting for sustainable alternatives such as Thermalyte board instead of plasterboard for the ceiling tiles, or water-based paints.

The works, which cost £92,000, have been joint funded by North Norfolk District Council, Norfolk County Council and Sheringham Little Theatre.

The works had to be completed in a very short time frame and were completed ahead of schedule. The Little Theatre Management have been very complimentary about the development, management and completion of this project by NNDC.

The Hub opened on the 11th February

Cabinet have approved the funding for the Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme.

Council’s Cabinet approved the governance arrangements for the Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme (CTAP), which will enable the Council to finalise funding with the Environment Agency (EA) to develop coastal change approaches.

North Norfolk has been selected by the government to receive funds to explore innovative approaches to adapting to the effects of coastal erosion. This is as a result of their nationally acclaimed work that has been completed by NNDC already in this area through  Coastal Partnership East.

As the programme develops, it will involve engagement with communities, individuals, infrastructure providers and businesses along the North Norfolk coastline.

The Cabinet approval also includes authority to submit the necessary outline business case to the EA and delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holder and Monitoring Officer to acquire land and assets in excess of £100,000 on value, where it will assist with the coastal transition accelerator programme.

This CTAP fund is not a compensation scheme, but rather, is intended to help coastal communities that cannot sustainably be defended from coastal erosion prepare and plan for the long term.

Alongside this Cllr Withington was invited by IPACT (Infrastructure for Ports and Coastal Towns to present at their conference and SANDPIT on the 10th January.

IPACT is a new, vibrant, multi-disciplinary community of researchers and research users developing affordable, sustainable, evidence-based, people-centric infrastructure systems solutions for improving social well-being and prosperity to level up coastal communities through resilient, net zero regeneration.

There is £500,000 available for Pilot Study projects Following her presentation Cllr Withington has been asked to discuss a further project in regard to community engagement in Coastal adaptation and Transition Research questions will be based around themes:

  • Connectivity with the coast 
  • Inclusive infrastructure 
  • Maintaining and enhancing resilience 
  • Coastal region transport 
  • Nature-inspired, human scale engineering 

Council Votes for Seal Safety  

North Norfolk District Council members voted on seal safety and flying rings along the coast at a Full Council meeting.

A motion tabled by Cllr. Christopher Cushing sought to ban the use of flying rings and for the Council to repledge through the Safer Seals campaign its’ commitment to protecting seals along the North Norfolk coastline.

Cllr. Tim Adams, welcoming the motion, pointed out Councils do not have the powers to place an outright ban on flying rings, and the extent of Public Space Protection Orders did not cover marine life regarding flying rings.

An amendment was then agreed by Councillors, which sought to continue the Safer Seals campaign, with the Council’s Leisure team to work in conjunction with Friends of Horsey Seals and the RSPCA, and for the Council’s Foreshore Officers to engage with beach visitors, to educate them about the dangers.
Across beaches in the district, you can find posters which give guidance to beachgoers about how to act around seals, to protect them. It advises three behaviours – avoiding the use of flying rings, keeping dogs on leads, and avoiding getting too close to them.

Organisations and businesses are welcome to download the posters to display in their premises from the Council’s website.

Find out more about the Safer Seals campaign at

If you find  a seal in distress and in need of emergency assistance you can contact any of the following agencies.

British Divers Marine Life Rescue: 01825 765546                 RSPCA: 0300 1234 999

Friends of Horsey Seals: 07706 314514

Availble on the NNDC WEbsite to download

Local Democracy

A Message from the Youth Council

Do you want to make a difference for the young people in North Norfolk? We are a group of young people looking for others to join us in forming a Youth Council for North Norfolk.

About us

We are a group of young people from across the district, all aged between 12 and 17 years old, who have joined together to help make a difference.

As a Youth Council, our main objectives will be:

  • to improve education and understanding about the challenges that young people face in North Norfolk
  • mental health services
  • environmental issues around North Norfolk

These are crucial issues to our age group as they affect us now and will affect generations in the future

Find out more here and how you can be part of being a voice for the young people in North Norfolk

The Youth Council met on the Sunday 29th January  in the Council chamber at NNDC

Voter ID

VOTER ID: The UK Government has introduced Voter ID at Polling Stations from May 2023.

Find out more about what this means for you when voting on 4 May:

If you are a young person there are greater restrictions as to what you can use for suitable ID

If you do not have one of the accepted forms of photo ID

You can still vote with a postal vote and no ID is required

From Monday 16 January 2023, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate from the UK Government website. This document will contain your name and photograph, and you can obtain it for free in one of three ways:

Apply online

You can apply online using the government portal and upload a suitable photograph to apply for your Voter Authority Certificate. 

Apply now

Write to us

Please fill in this application form. We will check you are registered at your property and are aware of other accepted forms of ID. 

Completed applications should include a suitable photograph. Please return to:


Electoral Services
North Norfolk District Council
Holt Road
NR27 9EN 


By visiting our offices in either Cromer or Fakenham. Our Customer Services staff will take you through the registration process and take a suitable photograph if required. 

Deadline for applications

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

This deadline is statutory, and can be no extension for any reason. We cannot process any application for the upcoming election received after the deadline.

Any applications received before the deadline can be processed after the deadline up to the day of the election. So long as the application was complete and contained all the required information.

Postal voting

You can apply for a postal vote if you wish to refrain from showing photo ID at the polling station.

Electors who wish to vote by post do not need to provide photographic identification to receive their ballot paper. It applies to current postal voters and any new applicants who apply for a postal vote ahead of the deadline, which is at 5pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023.

Apply for a postal vote 

We are still awaiting complete information about implementing this aspect of the Elections Act 2022, so any updates will appear on this page. We will be providing frequently asked questions to assist you with any questions about these changes.

Health and Wellbeing

Mammoth Marathon

North Norfolk’s Mammoth Marathon returns for 2023 with runners set to tackle the coastal route in a full, and half marathon.

The event was scheduled to run on Sunday 21 May 2023.

The Council has taken the decision to move the event one week forward after receiving notification of a coinciding event in the area  and to protect runners while they compete in the road race.

The new date for the Mammoth Marathon is Sunday 14 May 2023 The route for both the Full and Half marathons will end in Sheringham at the High School with an event village in place. The event was over subscribed last year so get your tickets earlyTickets are available via Race Roster


Healthier Sheringham

Healthier Sheringham continues to grow and build partners and Networks. On the 18th February Sheringham Helps – A Community Fair and Fund Day will take place at the Lighthouse. There are over 50 partners booked in and support agencies celebrating the incredible support that there is in the town. A waiting list is now in place. In addition there is entertainment, activities, the Scout Climbing Wall our emergency services opportunities to chat with groups, find volunteering opportunities, have a health check, find out about new activities and interests for all ages. In addition the Lighthouse Café will be open, along with the soft play area and Threadbear Children’s Charity Shop. The Lighthouse as partners are providing the venue for which we are very grateful.

Warm Spaces for All – Sheringham is a project which has also grown out of the Healthier Sheringham Partnership. Partners have come together to develop a strategy for providing warm spaces for all in our community.

There is now an array of Warm spaces available across the town catering for all ages and interests. There is also a hot lunch available every day in the town in a warm space.

An added benefit of this project has been the friendships and connections which have been formed by people attending these warm spaces. 8 of our Warm Spaces now have 20-40 people attending them. Although they appreciate the heat the contact with others is now as important. Warm Spaces is looking to find a way that these can continue to stay open and benefit the community. Linked to this the Warm Spaces Strategy is working with North Norfolk community Transport to create community transport links which work with the other town facilities such as the Medical Practice to build in routes to get people door to door for Warm Spaces and appointments.

Anyone with a venue that would like to be part of this or is part of an organisation who can support with activities or volunteers is welcome to get in contact. Businesses who would also like to be involved as well in supporting the provision of warm spaces for those who are perhaps working from home. Again if you would like to know more or be involved please get in touch via

Parking in Sheringham As we continue to be busy in Sheringham the search for parking spaces continues to be difficult. Why not consider a seasonal parking ticket for NNDC Car Parks

Sheringham District Councillor Team -Casework    
Holway Road Heat Repairs – timescale to be confirmedAugusta court  parking issues resolved  and Victoria Street Parking issues – underwayHolway road/Childs Way / Lusher close flooding- stage 1 resolved Time line agreed and stage 1 completed 07-10-22
Beech Avenue Trees and garden waste- problematic Pursuing fly tipping concerns and a house with 0vergrown vegetation and dumped garden waste- rat infestationNew Road issue with collections following change of days. – resolvedVictoria Street – issue with collections following change of days. – resolved
 Empty Home Report Leas Area- ongoingLeas Play park – potential funding sourced. Discussions underway
  Residential scheme for Tree planting to create hedging – agreed  and site visit coming upHolway road Hedging overgrowing into gardens- underway- Further steps required Robertson Close Accessibility – agreed Timescale maximum of 6 months. It is hoped to be sooner  – partially completed  Family with additional needs – Garden security Stage 1 resolved further action required by Flagship Supporting Scouts and Guides with grant funding applications for energy efficiency projects for their community buildings- ongoing
Waste disposal in Victoria Street and Morris Street Loke – Reoccurred and NNDC and Highways now involved and contractor addressed but continues to be monitored – resolved currently Overgrown and Dangerous trees on the boundaries of Sheringham House. Meetings with residents and Landscape Officers- response due shortly Seaview Parking Issues coming to a conclusion Vincent Road Parking issues – underway   Rats on the Leas in the Water Gardens – underway Cllr Tim Adams also attended as issues on the golf Club section Resolution of missed bins with the change over to new collection days New Road, Sadlers Lane Cremer Street Hastings Lane  – this has been addressed but monitoring continues further issues on St. Nicholas place – all resolved St. Andrews Church Bins Resolved Overgrown tree on Butts lane    Barcham’s Yard Walkway resurfacing and improving safety 15 pot holes reported in January Planning issues in regard to residents concerns re Sheringham House development. Land management and flooding concerns As well as potential  development of a further vehicular access. Homeless x2 Foodbank referrals x3 Energy vouchers x3

District Cllr Projects

  • Through HUGS supporting the provision of English speaking sessions for our Sheringham Ukrainian guests. Lessons are underway with around 15 regularly attending. Groups are now being developed for smaller groups and on an individual basis Thank you to the Quakers who are providing a free venue for these lessons to take place Several of our Ukrainian guests who have now obtained full time employment have moved into their own homes.
  • Cooper Road Play park Quality of life Strategy has now established that NNDC will now take on the responsibility of the maintenance and safety of NNDc play parks where improvements have been community funded. Designers are now to be invited to discuss the options discussed in community engagement  
  • Skelding Hill Path has been reported to NCC who are in discussions with the contractor as to how this can be resolved. Awaiting the outcome of these discussions. NCC have been re contacted and are awaiting a potential solution to be advised to them
  • Support to residents for drug and alcohol abuse and also support to attend local support groups and community activities continuing.
  • District Cllrs taking part in the Community Alcohol Partnership
  • Community food club @ Salvation Army NNDC Cllrs continue to support and work within Healtheir Sheringham to help with this project and the SA are partners in Healthier Sheringham. Yesu and Salvation Army are now linked and working together pooling resources.
  • 11 Cromer road- Empty home 5 years. Cllr Liaison with Tesco management team Sheringham and then report to Enforcement and Empty homes Team. They have liaised further with Tesco Management company. Improvements to the property are now being completed and the property will be let shortly. – not let as yet
  • Enforcement referral for derelict property- enforcement are progressing this.
  • Investigating the use of the Tesco Community Space
  • A verbal update in regard to Shannocks will be given at the meeting
  • The Greens Project

Local Cllr Attendance/Training/Briefings – not previously mentioned   

Sheringham Town Council –  1

Sheringham Town council – Planning x2

NNDC full Council –3

Wellbeing champion Training

Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme Workshop

IPACT Conference and Sandpit

Overview and Scrutiny x2

Meeting with Planning case officers

Development Committee x3

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board – Healthier Sheringham x2

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care system-Dementia

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care system-In equality

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board Patients Committee

Sheringham Museum

Warm Spaces Meeting x2

Sheringham golf Club

Experience Sheringham

SDFC Community Engagement Day

North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing partnership – thematic Workshop Aging population

Cabinet x2

Healthier Sheringham Steering Group Meeting x3

Councillor Call for Action – meeting with Cabinet members

The Greens Project x2

Housing Enabling Team

Youth voice Workshop

Sheringham Warm Spaces meeting x2

 HUGS meeting

Healthier N.Walsham /Healthier North Norfolk

Salvation Army Community Food Club

North Norfolk Community Transport

Community connectors x2

How to access support for Sheringham Residents 

Helping Residents to find help and support As STC staff and councillors, community organisations and residents reading the District Cllr report this information will help you to direct members of our community to the right support and contacts.

With the rising cost of living proving very difficult for people in North Norfolk, North Norfolk District Council have been looking to find ways to support our residents.

IT Housing and Benefits have put all the information together about accessing funding and support in one place. NNDC Help Hub as well is available to all as well.

If you are part of a community group and act as signposting or support those in need. Please share this information with your organisation, clients or community. As District Cllrs we will always refer people through who are in need and do so regularly.

Follow the link below for information ℹ️…/advice-and-support/

The Help Hub is also an important and useful point to connect with for further support via the social prescribers if you are supporting residents or local organisations. Residents can also self-refer 

The North Norfolk Help Hub is a partnership of organisations that work together to offer practical support, advice, and guidance.

At times, we all need a little help and support dealing with issues or problems in our life that are hurting our physical, mental, social or financial wellbeing. Getting help as soon as possible can prevent things from getting worse.

The Health and Communities Team are part of the North Norfolk Help Hub. They can provide advice and support with:

  • abuse and exploitation, including domestic abuse
  • benefits
  • carer support
  • employment
  • financial advice
  • home adaptations and assistive technology
  • housing conditions
  • learning
  • local opportunities for leisure interests
  • long term health condition management
  • mental wellbeing
  • social isolation
  • substance misuse
  • wellbeing

How to get support

If you are aged 18 and over and need help or support, please contact the Health and Communities Team Duty Line.


01263 516353




Further information regarding financial hardship, community support and access to mental health support, domestic abuse and violence support, is available on Cllr Withington’s new website and blog. Click here to view

Cllr Liz withington can also issue food parcel vouchers through the North Norfolk foodbank (previously known as the Cromer Foodbank. This change is to reflect that the foodbank serves across the North Norfolk district. )  She is also able to support through the Salvation Army as well.

Energy Vouchers are also available for those in need and in fuel poverty.

We can also  refer to the Norfolk Assistance Scheme and Norfolk Household Fund

Anglia Water also have an Extra Care Support system to help with difficulties with paying bills and for those worried about the finances you can contact them online in the link below or telephone 08001693630

Link to Anglian Water Extra Care Support  

Warm Homes grant available after successful bid

North Norfolk District Council, as part of the Norfolk Warm Homes Consortium, has been successful in a bid for £3.85 million of government grant to provide energy efficiency improvement works to homes occupied by low-income households within Norfolk. 

The grant is aimed at supporting low income residents to reduce their energy bills and increase the thermal comfort of their homes through a subsidy towards increasing the energy efficiency of their property. NNDC have appointed Energy Officer Dulcie Walsh to help ensure those eligible for the scheme are able to access these important funds to reduce living costs. The Energy Officer will identify suitable properties and support owner-occupiers and landlords with applications for improvement works. Our aim is to ensure we maximize take-up for North Norfolk residents.

For homeowners, if your gross household income is £30,000 or less the grant will cover the cost of the works.

For landlords, you could get a two-thirds subsidy for works to improve the energy efficiency of your property (if your tenants are on gross household incomes of £30,000 or less)

This grant is aimed at residents who have properties with a low energy rating (EPC band E, F or G)

The grant will go towards the cost of works to better insulate your home, which can include loft cavity wall and external wall insulation if your property is suitable.

Also available under the scheme, properties can benefit from low carbon energy by replacing an inefficient heating system with a renewable air source heat pump.

For more information click here  

Support for our local businesses:

The full list of guidance for local businesses can be found on North Norfolk District Council’s Support and Advice for Businesses webpage.

  Further advice is also available Click here

Other useful Contact numbers and links :

  1. Emergency highways number -out of hours 03448008009 for fallen trees blocking roads etc
  2. Report a problem with potholes, pavements, hedges, salt bins, trees to Norfolk County Council
  3. Planned Roadworks in Norfolk
  4. SERCO – missed bins/public toilets/ – 03301099220
  5. Report Fly tipping

6.      Order a new bin Contact Customer Services at Serco

Telephone: 0330 109 9220

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm


7.      Assisted bin delivery due to age or disability Contact Business Waste & Recycling

Telephone:  01263 516189


If you find  a seal in distress and in need of emergency assistance you can contact any of the following agencies.

British Divers Marine Life Rescue: 01825 765546                 RSPCA: 0300 1234 999

Friends of Horsey Seals: 07706 314514

Get in touch with NNDC

Use our online form to give NNDC feedback, or ask a question about any of our services.

Contact us

Live web chat

Chat with one of our Customer Services Advisors by clicking the green web chat link at the bottom right of the screen. This will appear when advisors are available.

Call us 

Telephone:  01263 513811
Out of hours:  01223 849782

Telephone and office opening hours

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm
Wednesday from 10am to 5pm
Fridays from 8.30am to 4.30pm

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us your District Cllr Team  in Sheringham  for further information on this report or if we can help with any issues.

 Cllr Bevan Jones 

Correspondence address:  

North Norfolk District Council

Holt Road



NR27 9EN


To keep up to date with the latest NNDC news and North Norfolk activity follow North Norfolk District Council on FB or click on on FB or click on the link below to go directly to the website 

North Norfolk District Council  

Twitter @northnorfolkdc

Cllr Liz Withington on Fb

@withington_liz on twitter

Lizwithington1 on Instagram

One thought on “Sheringham Liberal Democrat Team District Cllr Report – February 2023

  1. John Williams says:

    Well done to all involved

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