Woodland Rise /Woodland Rise West/Common Lane Safer Travel Project

Following concerns expressed to the district Councillors in the Autumn of 2020, Cllr Liz Withington liaised with the local Beat Manager PC Ian Smith who organised speed data collection (the black wires across the road on Woodland Rise )and also some speed controls in the area.

This project is about establishing:

  • What the concerns are.
  • Considering the options.
  • Looking at residents and road users views to identify a project, which alleviates residents’ concerns.
  • Any plan proposed, will need to be then considered for funding by Highways.

Following on from this data collection there are now to surveys to gather the views of both residents in the area and also road users. Sanders Coaches and the emergency services will also be contacted to gather their views on this stretch of road .

The residents survey link is being delivered shortly to all households in the area but a road users survey is available here to complete. Please do not complete the survey below if you are a resident on this route or directly off it.


Once we have received all the results and collated the views we can put together a plan for consideration and look for funding to support Highways to see what can be completed

4 thoughts on “Woodland Rise /Woodland Rise West/Common Lane Safer Travel Project

  1. Sylvia Billingham says:

    I think it definitely needs something to slow the traffic down , but then so does holway road, & Holt road . With the new houses being built this is going to increase the traffic on the major roads into town , Iv found with this lockdown when I leave home to walk into town the spread the traffic is going along holt road is mad, because there are not so many cars on the road you can definitely tell people are speeding, perhaps the wires across holt road for a week or so just to get a clear picture.

    • Denis Coogans says:

      You can not say that vehicles are speeding based on an opinion, you need to report this and get accurate evidence. People may be moving at 30 mph and to someone on foot this can seem like 40 – 50 mph, please get a speed monitoring camera placed and then yo can say for sure.
      Guessing is not helpful to anyone.

  2. G mcevoy says:

    Don’t waste money just have a speed trap on the bend in occasions that will do

  3. Dawn Thompson says:

    Double yellow lines would be a definite bonus to Common Lane users at the bottom of the road….Its absolutely dreadful people park right at the bottom when they all have driveways…its a hazzard..very dangerous indeed!!

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